
All the latest from 247 Hosting

21st Apr 2010

Emergency Seacom Maintenance Notification.

AFFECTED SERVICE: International Consumer DSL AFFECTED POPS: international traffic between SA and London/New York START DATE: Sat 24 Apr 10 00h00 (SAST) END DATE: Sat 24 Apr 10 23h59 (SAST) EXPECTED DURATION: unknown IMPACT:Service interruption REASON FOR CHANGE: Seacom SMW4 repairs ADDITIONAL INFO: Seacom has advised that repair maintenance ...

21st Apr 2010

Emergency Telkom SAT3 Maintenance Notification.

AFFECTED SERVICE: International ADSL POPS: International traffic between SA and London/New York START DATE: Thu 22 Apr 10 08h00 (SAST) END DATE: Sat 24 Apr 10 16h00 (SAST) EXPECTED DURATION: unknown IMPACT: Increased latency REASON FOR CHANGE: SAT3 maintenance ADDITIONAL INFO: Telkom have advised that all traffic will be placed on restoration ...

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